BMS-Xero Integration: FAQs


This guide helps you with answers to frequently asked questions with Xero-BMS Integration. 


Active setup with Xero. 

FAQs section

  • How do I reset an invoice export?
    • When an invoice is exported from BMS to Xero, The flag Reset posted to accounting will be enabled. If you click on Reset posted to accounting the link between BMS and Xero for this invoice will be cleared and you can delete the invoice in Xero or void it in BMS as needed.
  • How are contacts synced in BMS?
    • Contacts in Xero are mapped to CRM accounts in BMS. If an account exists in BMS the account will be mapped to it or a new one will be created.
  • Which Invoices can be exported from BMS?
    • There are two options on which you can filter the invoices to be exported: All invoices with statuses “Ready to send” or “Sent” or invoices whose due date falls between specific ranges.
    • Note: The date range is limited to thirty days
  • What are the items that sync in this integration?
    • Refer to our detailed data mapping guide for this integration here.
  • How often is data synced from BMS?
    • This sync is manual. Every time you choose to export or import the data will be pushed to the software.
  • How do I track credit memos or vendor credit applications?
    • BMS doesn’t support credit memos at this time. You will have to apply them manually in Xero.
  • How do I disconnect the integration with Xero?
    • To disconnect the integration from BMS, Navigate to Finance > Xero.
    • Click Setup
    • Click on Disconnect from Xero mceclip0.png

Related Topics 

Refer to this guide for the integration setup.

Refer to this guide for data mapping details - Data mapping: Xero and BMS