BMS-IT Glue integration

At the core of the BMS' deep integration with IT Glue is the two-way sync feature. Users will be able to retrieve IT Glue information within the same BMS window.
- Set up two-way sync BMS integration in IT Glue
- Refer Integrating with Kaseya BMS.
Setting up integration with IT Glue from BMS
- Navigate to Admin > My Company > IT Glue Settings.
- Enable-IT Glue Integration: Select Yes, enter Subdomain details, and save the setup.
- Under Subdomain text box, enter your IT Glue domain details and choose your server.
- Each IT Glue account has its own unique URL that is generally in the format of or
- The first part of the URL (mycompany) is called the subdomain.
Confirming the integration
- Navigate to Home > My Settings. You should see a new tab called Integrations and it should say Connected. Refer here for steps to reconnect.

Configuration, Organization, Contact, and Location are the tabs which will be visible when you click the IT Glue side panel.
When an account and asset are linked to a ticket, using the Configuration tab, Attachments, embedded passwords, Related Items and relevant data can be seen. The tabs are explained in detail below.
Link to Launch IT Glue is common in all these tabs.
Configuration tab
Shows Configuration Name, Configuration Status, Configuration Type for Hardware Assets.
When you click an attachment from here, it will download from the BMS UI screen.
Embedded passwords
Passwords are available to view and edit for the asset in question. You can view the password in the BMS UI by expanding the entry or by clicking the password which then launches a new IT Glue tab for the same content.
A "+" button is displayed next to each password. When you expand the password entry in the BMS UI, it allows you to perform two actions - Show Password and Copy to Clipboard without having to launch IT Glue.
Related Items
According to IT Glue, this process allows you to relate anything to anything, including configurations, passwords, folders, documents, etc.
BMS UI allows you to add a related item, and this is synced both ways in real time basis. An Add Related Item button is seen in the BMS UI which allows y ou to add related items to the asset.
General notes are available in IT Glue for an asset. BMS UI provides view and edit/add feature in here as well.
A history of recent actions taken can be seen here. Read more here.
Organization tab
Shows Organization Name, Status, and Type for tickets and hardware assets.
Quick Note panel, Important Contacts panel
This is a view only tab, and all modifications are done in IT Glue.
Contacts tab
Displays Contact Name, Contact Default Email, Contact Default Phone
This is a view only tab, and all modifications except for related items are done in IT Glue.
Locations tab
Displays Location Name, Address 1, City, State, Zip, link to launch IT Glue Attachments panel, Embedded Passwords panel, Related Item panel, Notes panel, Revisions panel.
In Contacts and Location tab, all modifications, except for related items, are done in IT Glue.

IT Glue side panel is available for Service Desk and CRM modules. Below are the details.
- Service Desk > Tickets > after opening a specific ticket.
- Service Desk > Hardware Assets > after opening a specific asset.
- CRM > Accounts > after opening a specific account.
NOTE This will only have the Organization tab, with the ability to view quick notes and important contacts in its IT Glue side panel.
- CRM > Contacts > after opening a specific contact.
NOTE Organization, Contact, and Location are the tabs that will be featured for this module.

Take your Kaseya PSA integration to another level with PSA Live Ticketing feature in IT Glue. This feature allows you to open, update, and resolve PSA tickets directly in IT Glue without having to switch between the applications. Follow this article to set up PSA Live Ticketing in your IT Glue account.
- You must have an active integration set up with Kaseya PSA with Enable Ticket Integration checked on. For details, refer to our Integrating with PSA topic.
- Users must have access to an IT Glue organization to view tickets associated with it.
Initial sync
After you have set up an active integration with Kaseya PSA, the initial bulk sync will bring in all of your tickets from PSA to IT Glue. Please note that, depending on the amount of data you have, it may take a few hours for all results to appear.
NOTE Please note that depending on the volume of your tickets in BMS to be synced with IT Glue, the expected time delay for when these tickets appear in IT Glue will vary.
Navigating a PSA service ticket
All your PSA ticket data will be displayed in one of the four sections on the page:
- Main panel
- Ticket tabs
- Side panel
- Sub-tabs
1. Main Panel
Navigate to Organizations > Tickets to access your Ticket listing view. Clicking any of the line items will open the associated ticket. The ticket details appear in the middle of the page. Click the Read More button to see the entire description.
In the main panel, you will need to manage your committed time on the open ticket. Click the checkmark next to the timer to open the Time Log form. For each time log, there is a running timer that starts counting from zero once the ticket is opened and continues to run while the time log form is open.
NOTE If you manually adjust the start time or the committed time on the ticket, the timer will stop. You have the option to restart the timer on any open ticket by clicking the restart button.
2. Ticket Tabs
The top of the Ticket page displays a tab panel with all tickets that are currently open. Clicking any of these tabs will bring the corresponding ticket to the foreground. Each of these tabs displays the title, priority, ticket number, and a running timer. You can preview a ticket by hovering over the Ticket tab and also rearrange the order of the tabs if desired. To close a tab, click the x icon on the tab.
You can start and stop the timer directly from the Ticket tab. The timer starts counting from zero once you open a ticket. If you have a ticket open in multiple browser tabs, each timer starts from zero and can be committed. Note that navigating away from the ticket or closing it will discard any uncommitted time.
3. Side Panel
The ticketing side panel is where you can quickly browse details regarding Custom Fields, RMM Integration data, Ticket Contacts and history, Affected Assets, Attachments, and Duplicate Alarms on the ticket.
- Details - View Status, Priority, Queue, Created by, Assignee, Secondary Assignee, CCs, Total Time Spent, Total Expense, SLA, SLA Status, Open Date, Due Date, Source, Type, Issue Type, Sub-Issue Type, Service Contract, and Work Type.
- Attachments - Drag and drop your selected file into the dotted line field to upload the attachment.
- RMM Integration - This section will only appear if there is an active RMM integration (VSA or Continuum).
- If a Kaseya PSA/VSA integration is enabled, the ticket displays the ticket number as read-only.
- If a Kaseya PSA/Continuum integration is enabled, both the Ticket Owner field and the ticket number are displayed in read-only mode.
- Ticket Contacts - Toggle between the Open Tickets and Closed Tickets sections that display the last five tickets respectively. These are sorted in the order of the most recently opened/closed for the particular contact. Clicking a ticket title will open it in a new ticket tab.
4. Sub-Tabs
There are two sub-tabs located at the bottom of the ticketing main panel: Activities and Related Documentation.
- Activities - This is an up-to-date log of all notes and activities related to the ticket. This section will also show updates to any of the ticket’s details. You can filter the activity log by one or more types of activities or search through the log’s content. To add a new note, click the green + New button beside the search bar and select Add Note.
- In the Note Details tab, select a template macro, select a date (today’s date is the default), type, status, and enter your comments. Click the Internal Note toggle switch to ON if you want your comments to remain private.
- Related Documentation - This sub-tab will display content based on the PSA Ticket Settings you configured in IT Glue. For full details, refer to our Suggested IT Glue documentation in PSA tickets KB article.

This section discusses how company and contact notes are obtained from IT Glue when the BMS-IT Glue integration is in place. The company notes and contact notes show in BMS tickets in the new view. The company and contact notes sections only shows when user in BMS is connected to IT Glue. The company notes and contact notes are extracted from IT Glue depending on the user's role and permission. If you are a user with edit permission in BMS, you can add/edit company and contact notes. If you are a user with read-only permission, you can only view the notes.
Company notes
- The company notes is account based.
- The company notes is visible on top of the ticket details. Organization notes corresponds to company notes on the ticket.
- By default, company notes is collapsed. You can click to expand company notes. The company notes will still show even if the organization does not have any data. However, the company notes will not show if you are connected to IT Glue but organization is not synced.
- Based on the login access to IT Glue profile, as a technician, you can edit company notes. Notes edited in BMS will be pushed to IT Glue organization notes.
- You can use the rich text editor to edit the notes. You will not be able to paste any images into the editor.
Contact notes
- Contact notes show when BMS is connected to IT Glue.
- Contact notes is displayed on the side panel.
- Contact notes is visible inside the ticketing Contact section.
- You can add contact notes in BMS afresh even when there is no previous contact notes.
- When BMS is not connected to IT Glue, contact notes will not be visible.
- If you do not have permission to view contact notes, you will not be able to see View in IT Glue in BMS view.
- Contact notes will not show if BMS is connected to IT Glue and contact is not synced.
- If you are a read-only user, the rich text editor shows under Company Notes and under Contact Notes; however, when you try to save the notes, an access denied error will be displayed.
- If you are a read-write user, you should be able to edit and save company and contact notes.
- If you are a user who does not have access to organization or contact notes in IT Glue, company notes and contact notes will not show in BMS respectively.

IT Glue embedded checklists are a list of task templates that are available in the form of a checklist that can be attached to a ticket. These checklists ensure speedy and timely processing of tasks that are attached to a ticket, one after the other. The checklists also make sure that the processing follows a certain hierarchy or order. The tasks that are mentioned in the checklists can be completed in the order they are mentioned. (You can also change the order.)
Security roles have the option to enable/disable IT Glue checklists on tickets.
- The IT Glue user must be an admin or manager to leverage this feature.
- You should have an active BMS - IT Glue integration for the checklists to appear as part of your ticket.
NOTE The integration only imports templates.
- Open a ticket of your choice.
- On the right side of your ticket area at the same level as the heading Checklist, you will find a small icon that says Import from Templates. (You will find this name if you hover the mouse over the icon and if your IT Glue integration is active.) This has its roots in IT Glue.
- Click the Import from Templates icon. A window with a list of templates will open. The Import from Templates window shows the name of the template, the last time it was updated, when it was created, and the name of the creator.
- Select as many radio buttons next to each template as you would want to and then click Add to Ticket.
- As soon as you select the template to add, you can see the associated tasks above the ticket.
- Click each task to open and then provide a description for your tasks.
- You can mark the tasks as they are completed. You can see a blue tick next to the task that has been marked completed. You can copy or even delete an individual task. You can move a task up or down.
Additionally, you can save the set of tasks that you added above as a template by itself. Click the ellipsis option next to the Templates icon, and you will be able to explore more options. You can hide the checklist, copy the checklist to clipboard or save as a new template. Also, you can delete the checklist.
- Click the ellipsis icon next to the Import from Templates icon.
- Select Save As New Template option from the list.
- In the Save as New Template window, provide a name and a description for the template.
- Click Save to IT Glue button. You will find a success message in green on the top part of the ticket.
You can verify this with the following process:
- Click the Import from Templates icon.
- From the list of templates, go to the template that you saved just now.
- Select the template and click Add to Ticket. The entire set of tasks will appear above attached to the ticket. You will be able to see the blue tick marks appearing as the tasks are executed. Remember, the IT Glue embedded checklists work only if there is an active IT Glue integration connection. If the connection is disconnected for some reason, you will see a message to that effect, and you will not be able to use the embedded checklists feature. In such a case, the icons will be grayed out and inactive.

How can my technician make use of the BMS-IT Glue integration?
A technician can make use of this integration either in a View mode and or in Edit mode.
View mode will enable them to collect and review the data visible in the BMS UI.
Edit mode can be used to create modify data from BMS UI which will be auto-synced to ITGlue.
Example: creation or modification of passwords for a particular asset.
When creating tickets:
The IT Glue panel seen in the BMS UI is a smart panel and will update relevant tabs as and when new ticket information is filled in. When creating a new ticket, and adding an account to it, it will dynamically update the relevant ITGlue data when found from ITglue in the BMS side panel. Once an asset is associated all the data will be visible. All of the above can be accomplished without having to leave the BMS app.

How do I set up IT Glue-BMS integration?
Click the above link for more details.
How do I disconnect or use a different login for my IT Glue integration with BMS?
Navigate to Home > Settings > My Profile > Integrations > Disconnect. Detailed steps can be found here.
Does this integration give access to all the data present in BMS and IT Glue?
The data to be accessed is dependent on the user roles and permission set up in IT Glue.
Refer to About Roles and Permissions.
What are the data/tabs available from IT Glue with BMS-IT Glue integration?
Click the above link for more details.
What is the functionality of View in IT Glue?
The View in IT Glue button is available on all the tabs of this integration, and it allows you to open IT Glue for a specific record in a separate tab and also to drill down to any particular content.
How can my technician make use of this integration?
Click the above link for more details.
Why am I unable to see any entries in contacts for an asset in the IT Glue side panel?
Click the above link for more details.
How does asset sync work with new assets?
IT Glue runs a background job every few minutes. When a new asset is added from BMS, it should take a few minutes to show up in IT Glue.
If the asset is created in VSA, it will be first pushed to BMS and then to IT Glue.
In case of deletion of an asset, the records will be retained, but assets will be deactivated.
What is the account access needed to set up IT Glue integration?
The API credentials should be of a BMS admin user or the user should have the API feature enabled.
Can I download attachments present in IT Glue using this integration?
Yes, you can click Attachment and hit Download from the BMS UI screen itself.
Detailed steps can be found here.
Is the IT Glue button available on mobile view screens?
No, IT Glue button is disabled on any screen that has a size of less than 1024 px.
Do I have the ability to resize the IT Glue window?
Yes, a slider is present to allow resizing of the IT Glue window in the BMS app.
Can any of my techs disconnect and connect to IT Glue?
To do this, they should have access to tickets in BMS and also a valid IT Glue account.