My Templates


The My Templates page under the Home module is a place where you can create certain templates for tickets and ticket-related functionalities. The templates will allow you to quickly prefill ticket fields whenever you have matching criteria.

Searching for Templates

You can search for a template among the existing templates by using the search criteria. The search criteria are Name, Type, Shared with Accounts, and Shared with Team fields. You can search for a template by using any one of the above criteria or by using a combination of the criteria.

  1. To search for a template, enter a name or select a type from the dropdown or select an item from the Shared with Accounts dropdown or select an item from the Shared with Team dropdown or use a combination of the aforementioned items.
  2. Click Search.

Creating a Template

  1. Go to Home > My Templates.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select one of the three options listed there.

  4. Follow one of the sections below according to your choice.

Creating a Ticket Template

(This template can be used on a fresh ticket.)

  1. Click New.
  2. Click Ticket Template from the dropdown. The New Ticket Template page opens.
  3. Ticket Template Name: Enter a name for the ticket template.
  4. Ticket Title: Enter a short title for the ticket.
  5. Expected TTR: TTR stands for "time to resolution." This is the expected time taken to resolve a ticket. You can enter the time in hours or minutes. Select Hours or Minutes from the dropdown and enter a number.
  6. Account: Select the appropriate account from the dropdown to associate the ticket template.
  7. Issue Type: Select the appropriate issue type from the dropdown. When you select an issue type, you will be able to see a list of related sub issue types for that issue type.
  8. Sub Issue Type: Select the appropriate sub issue type from the dropdown.
  9. Priority: Select the appropriate priority from the dropdown.
  10. Assignee: Select the appropriate assignee from the dropdown.
  11. Ticket Type: Select the appropriate ticket type from the dropdown.
  12. Queue: Select the appropriate queue from the dropdown. Remember that your personal queues would also reflect here in the dropdown.
  13. Work Type: Select the appropriate work type from the dropdown. Select either Labor Hours or Non Billable Labor Hours from the dropdown.
  14. Template Owner: This is automatically selected. This is the logged in user's name, and this is the user who created the template.
  15. Share with Team: Select either Yes or No depending on your choice. By default, No is selected.
  16. Share with Accounts: Select either Yes or No depending on your choice. By default, No is selected.
  17. Ticket Details: You can add standardized text here.
  18. Click Save. You will find the saved template in the grid in the My Templates page.

Creating a Ticket Note Template

(This template can be used on an existing ticket while adding a note.)

  1. Click New.
  2. Click Ticket Note Template from the dropdown. The New Ticket Note Template page opens.
  3. Name: Enter a name for the ticket note template.
  4. Description: Enter a brief description for the ticket note template.
  5. Template Owner: This is automatically selected. This is the logged in user's name, and this is the user who created the template.
  6. Status: Select either Yes or No. By default, Yes is selected.
  7. Share with Accounts: Select either Yes or No depending on your choice. By default, No is selected.
  8. Share with Team: Select either Yes or No depending on your choice. By default, No is selected.

  9. In the Ticket Note Template Details section, do the following:
    • Status: Select either Yes or No. By default, Yes is selected.
    • Type: Select the appropriate type from the dropdown.
    • Internal: Select either Yes or No. By default, No is selected.
    • Details: You can create a standardized text here with the help of fields selected from the right. Select appropriate fields from the right as you frame sentences. Whenever you select a field (for example, Ticket Number), the field will be enclosed within percentage signs. The fields are variables where you can write custom text. Take a look at the example below. The Details text box has three views - Design, HTML and Preview. By default, when you open the page, you will see the Design view. You can explore HTML and Preview views as well.

  10. Click Save. You will find the saved template in the grid in the My Templates page.

Creating a Ticket Time Entry Template

(This template can be used on an existing ticket while adding time entry.)

  1. Click New.
  2. Click Ticket Time Entry Template from the dropdown. The New Ticket Time Entry Template page opens.
  3. Name: Enter a name for the ticket note template.
  4. Description: Enter a brief description for the ticket note template.
  5. Template Owner: This is automatically selected. This is the logged in user's name, and this is the user who created the template.
  6. Status: Select either Yes or No. By default, Yes is selected.
  7. Share with Team: Select either Yes or No depending on your choice. By default, No is selected.
  8. In the Ticket Time Entry Template Details section, do the following:
    • Status: Select either Yes or No as the status. By default, Yes is selected.
    • Role: Select the appropriate role from the dropdown.
    • Work Type: Select the appropriate work type from the dropdown.
    • Details: You can create a standardized text here with the help of fields selected from the right. Select appropriate fields from the right as you frame sentences. Whenever you select a field (for example, Ticket Number), the field will be enclosed within percentage signs. The fields are variables where you can write custom text. Take a look at the example below. The Details text box has three views - Design, HTML and Preview. By default, when you open the page, you will see the Design view. You can explore HTML and Preview views as well.

  9. Click Save. You will find the saved template in the grid in the My Templates page.

Editing a Template

  1. Go to Home > My Templates. The My Templates page opens.
  2. In the grid, click the template that you want to edit. The template opens.
  3. Make changes to the relevant fields according to your choice. Some fields may be hidden or non-editable.
  4. Click Save.

Creating a Custom View

In addition to the System Default view that you see in the listing page, you can create custom views.

  1. Go to the Column Chooser icon, which is next to the settings icon.
  2. Select as many columns from the left and click the right arrow or just slide them to the right.

  3. Click Save. The additional columns will now appear in the grid. Click the settings icon and then click Save As.
  4. Provide a name for your custom view.
  5. Public: Click Yes or No according to your choice. If you select Yes, the view will be made public.
  6. Default: Click Yes or No according to your choice. If you select Yes, the view will be made the default view.

  7. Click Save.

Sharing a View

You can share your custom view with others. Once you create a custom view, other options will appear as dropdown in the settings icon.

  1. Select the view from the view dropdown.
  2. Click Share. The Share View window opens. You will see two tabs - Queues and Employees. The Queues tab is open by default. You can use one of the tabs or both the tabs.
  3. Queue: Select a queue from the dropdown and click Add. The queue is added to the list below.
  4. Click to select the relevant checkboxes.
  5. Click Save.
  6. If you wish to share the view with certain employees, go to the Employee tab.
  7. Employee: Enter the first few letters of the employee. The employee name appears.
  8. Click Add. The employee name is added to the list below.

  9. Click to select the relevant checkboxes.
  10. Click Save.

NOTE   The Home > My Templates page is different from Admin > Business Process > Email Templates page. The templates in My Templates page are exclusively used for tickets. They will not appear among the email templates that you create.