Working with sales orders

Sales Orders

The Sales Orders page manages sales orders for products. Products are typically defined in inventory first. But sales orders also support specifying "free form" products not in your inventory. Each sales order can override the default prices specified for products.

Creating Sales Orders

  1. Select the CRM > Sales Orders tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the following in the Customer Info panel.
    • Destination Type - Location, Site, Warehouse
    • Destination
    • Contact
  4. Enter the following fields in the Sales Order tab.
    • Sales Order Number
    • Sales order Date
    • PO
    • PO Date
    • Ship by Method
    • Ship by Date
    • Project - If a project is entered, items listed in the sales order display in the project as a charge when the sales order is posted.
    • Payment Term
    • Sales Rep
    • Pricing Level
    • Shipment Type
    • Status
    • Notes
  5. Click Save. Tabs display at the bottom of the page.
  6. Click the Inventory Items tab.
    • Click Add.
    • Select one or more products.
    • Click OK.
  7. Update the following default values for each inventory item added. Changes are reflected in the Grand Total at the bottom of this tab after you save.
    • Pricing Level
    • Quantity
    • Unit Price
    • Discount
  8. Click the Items tab and click Add. These are "free form" items that are not defined in your inventory. After you save a row, click the row to edit it. Changes are reflected in the Grand Total at the bottom of this tab after you save. Repeat this step to add as many rows as you require.
    • Item
    • Item Description
    • QTY
    • Unit Price
    • Discount
    • Taxable - Yes or No
    • Total
    • Click Save.
  9. Click the Charges tab click Add. After you save a row, click the row to edit it. Repeat this step to add as many rows as you require.
    • Charge
    • Currency
    • Amount
    • Date
    • Notes
    • Click Save.
  10. Click Notes tab.
    • Click Add to add a note.
  11. Click the Custom Fields tab.
    • Enter values in the custom fields, as appropriate for this record.
    • Custom fields are maintained using the Admin > My Company > Custom Fields page.
  12. Click Attachments tab.
    • Click Upload a new file to upload files to this record.
  13. Click Save.


Typically each sales order progresses through one or more of the following statuses:

  • New
  • Ready to Post
  • Posted
  • Voided


Clicking the Action button sets the appropriate status for the sales order and usually displays a dialog or window for you to complete the action or review the results.

  • Post Order - Posts the sales order.
  • Generate Order - Creates a printable sales order.
  • Print Order - Displays a printable PDF of the sales order
  • Email Order - Sends the PDF to email recipients.
  • Void Order - Voids the orders.

Messages confirm an action has completed successfully.


Inventory product quantity will be decremented upon delivering the products. Posting will allow you to Bill the Customer.

Note: Updating customer hardware assets and software assets from completed sales orders are not currently supported.

Processing Sales Orders

  1. Select the CRM > Sales Orders tab.
  2. Click a sales order with a Status of New.
  3. Click Actions > Generate Order.
    • The Status is set to Ready to Post.
  4. Click Actions > Print Order.
    • Review the PDF to ensure it is correct.
    • If necessary, make changes to the sales order, regenerate, and review the PDF again.
  5. Click Actions > Email Order.
    • Email Template
    • Send Email - Separate Recipients or Combined Recipients
    • Contacts - Optionally uncheck to exclude.
    • Other Email - Enter email addresses manually.
    • Attachments - Optionally check to include.
    • Click Send.
  6. Click Actions > Post Order.
    • The Status is set to Posted. - There is an option to create a PO for the Inventory Items in the Sales Order.