Opportunity Finder


MSPs are technical by nature. As an MSP, you have less insight into revenue earning capacity and potential sales opportunities. At the same time, you are curious to know how much revenue you can bring in per customer as well as to identify potential sales opportunities. Did you know the quickest and easiest way to bring in more revenue is selling to your existing customers? Discover your next sales opportunity with the highest winning probability within your customer base and guarantee a win with integrated professional marketing content from Powered Services. This is exactly where Opportunity Finder finds its niche. The Opportunity Finder acts as a supplement to the bigger CRM module to push sales opportunities and generate revenue out of them.

Built on the premise of predictive analytics, Opportunity Finder is a one-stop tool to delve and explore potential revenue opportunities. Opportunity Finder is an interactive quick view dashboard for MSPs to uncover revenue potential from within their existing customer base. Opportunity Finder is an interactive dashboard that fishes out potential revenue opportunities from existing services by providing quick visibility to recurring revenue and target potential selling opportunities by using permutations and combinations of existing services per customer. It also provides opportunities to accelerate managed service sales through guided insights with the help of an integrated system called Powered Services.

The dashboard provides true revenue value to MSP owners and their sales teams by having quick access to target revenue opportunities. The dashboard also provides related sales information to MSPs for their quick reference.



As a dashboard, the Opportunity Finder is organized into three sections. The first section is the search section that you see on the top. The second section is the section that provides the names of existing accounts and the services provided to them and their details in the second half of the page. Each of the section is explained in detail below.

Search Box

The search box works in a two-pronged way. It first filters by dropdown items and then by keywords. Once you place the cursor inside the search box, you will see a list of dropdown items. The dropdown items are Service, Account, Service Category, Service Sub Category, Unit of Measure, and Account Type. Click the dropdown item and it will give you further options. You can select those options (mainly keywords) and the dashboard will refresh according to your selection. Also, you can use multiple combinations of the search criteria to refine your searches. The appearance of the screen will change depending on your selection.



Accounts Details 

The existing accounts are listed here in this section. You will be able to see four accounts per scroll. The total number of accounts is listed next to the column name Accounts. For each account, the dashboard shows the potential revenue it can bring and the price for the services sold. The service that has the highest margin and the service that has the highest price are shown according to each account. This section will load up to 50 accounts at a time. Clicking the account name takes you to the respective account's page under CRM > Accounts.  The potential revenue that is displayed next to each account is calculated based on price of service multiplied by quantity of units. If there is no quantity associated with a service for a customer, (for example, MSP customer has not purchased Dark Web and MSP does not know how many domains they have) proposed value will be quantity 1 x price of the service.

When you place the cursor over the box that shows the individual price of each service for each account, the Details link becomes visible. If you click the Details link, you will see a small area of text to your right corner of the screen. This text is a snapshot from Powered Services and Picanomics - an integrated service that provides marketing content to promote a poential opportunity that can close with a possible sale.

The content that you see to your bottom right corner arms you with information that you require from a marketing perspective. MSP technicians may not be familiar with marketing pitches and related content. Therefore, the information in a snapshot helps the MSP technicians to follow a path that is marketing savvy enough to close the deal. You will see a link at the bottom of the snapshot. This link will take you to additional content or the source content from where the snapshot is taken. You will get hands-on information that will aid your marketing of additional services to harness more revenue. The content is based on category defined in Admin > Finance > Services. This is where the MSP has to define various services that are provided. For each service that is expanded towards the right, you will see Average Price Sold and Penetration. Average Price Sold is expressed in dollars, and Penetration is expressed in percentage. 

Total Sold denotes total services sold for active accounts. Total Potential Per Service denotes revenues from active accounts x number of active accounts. Total Potential Per Service is the amount that can be retrieved from active accounts. Penetration denotes services sold to active accounts divided by number of active accounts x 100. Average Penetration denotes total penetration divided by number of accounts services sold. Average Price Sold denotes the average price that this item was billed for all accounts.

On the top right, next to the search box, you will see the number of visible accounts in one scroll. You will also see the manual refresh button. By default, the screen refreshes within the pre-set time. However, you can use this button to manually refresh the screen anytime you want. You will also see the total number of services provided right next to the refresh button. You will also see the figure of Average Penetration as a percentage.
