New Service Desk experience


BMS has introduced a new user experience for ticketing. With this new design, you will experience faster navigation with a sleek new interface. The new ticketing interface is made default for all new users/tenants and on profiles that never switched over to the new view. However, users can choose to change back to Legacy mode under My Settings > Preferences > Service Desk Experience > Legacy view.


  • Users must minimally have access to view tickets.


Switching to the New Service Desk

  • Navigate to My Profile > Preferences.
  • Choose New View for the "Service Desk Experience" drop-down. This setting is applicable on the user profile level. 
  • To switch back to legacy choose Legacy view
  • The ticket listing in Service Desk > Tickets will now show the new New Service Desk.


Search Pane

  • The search pane is designed to work in a compact space. Choose desired columns for the filter tab and apply them to the ticket listing. 
  • Filters can be created by using the various columns dynamically. A filter called Account Code is also available in the Ticket Listing page. The Account Code shows in Tickets and My Tickets dropdown filters. The Account Code field can be retrieved from Account > specific account > Account Code. This applies to Legacy and New View ticket listing pages.
  • Clear filters individually or all at once. 
  • Scrolling for tickets in the ticket listing is enhanced to virtual scrolling. The headers are frozen and the ticket list auto-updates as you scroll down the page. 
  • Ticket listing page auto-refreshes every 15minutes. Ticket tabs refresh with a manual refresh action or with the keyboard shortcut "R".





Use tabs to have multiple tickets open at once and navigate between views, listing, or individual tickets.

  • When you have a search filter on the ticket listing you can open tickets in a new tab and saving your search results in the session so that all of your data is in one window of Tickets. 
  • Tabs are all saved as-is for the current logged-in session. If you navigate out of the module or close the browser the tabs session will also be refreshed and the tab list will be closed out. 
  • Timers on tickets will all start to autorun depending on your company settings for auto start. 
    • You can configure the timer to start automatically whenever a ticket is opened by setting to Enable Stopwatch Autostart option to Yes. This option is located on the Admin > My Company > Company Settings > Service Desk tab.
    • Refreshing the tab or window will refresh the timer. 
  • Hover over any tab to get a sneak peek description of a ticket. 
  • Multiple tabs can be opened in a single window. When the space is full the tabs are collapsed into the drop down that can be accessed by clicking on the drop-down icon at the end of the tabs.



  • Click on the column icon in the ticket listing .
  • You can choose your columns. drag and drop your fields. 



  • Save and switch between views easily.
  • When editing a view listing the system displays an asterisk symbol indicating that the view was modified. Save or create a new view from the same listing. 
  • The user icon next to a view indicates that the view is not owned by the current user. 
  • Manage views will list the views owned and shared with you. 
    • You can see who the owner of the shared views is and reach out for any changes. 
  • The New Service Desk has a default view called system default.
    • A "System Default" view will be used as default if no view was previously selected by the user.
    • The system shows the last selected view on the browser when you navigate back to the tickets.




Batch Actions 

Batch actions in the new New Service Desk will enable you to perform multiple actions at once.

  • Select multiple tickets from the listing. You can make changes to a ticket with Update and export or delete entries using Delete and Export. 
  • Choose Update
    • This will allow you to make multiple changes on a ticket with one update button. 
  • Check Logs for the record of the changes made. 



Working on Tickets

All your BMS ticket data will be displayed among these sections on the page:

  1. Main panel
  2. Ticket tabs
  3. Side panel


1. Main Panel

Navigate to Service desk > Tickets to access your Ticket list view. Clicking any of the line items will open the associated ticket. The ticket details appear in the middle of the page. Click the Read More button to see the entire description.


In the main panel, you will need to manage your committed time on the open ticket. Click the checkmark next to the timer to open the Time Log form. For each time log, there is a running timer that starts counting from zero once the ticket is opened and continues to run while the time log form is open. Note that if you manually adjust the start time or the committed time on the ticket, the timer will stop. You have the ability to restart the timer on any open ticket by clicking the restart button.

The key time entry usability points are as follows:

  • When the TimeSpent field is in focus, the input field will be completely auto-selected.
  • Users can type decimal numbers freely.
  • Adding Time entry in New Service Desk supports free text in the Date and Time fields.
  • Delete/backspace on the input number will work without automatically replacing it with zero.
  • Startime and Endtime will be calculated after any update in the time spent field and vice versa.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are introduced with New Service Desk. Alt + / will list the shortcuts applicable on your screen. Find the detailed guide here.
  • Admins can now prevent users from deleting their own time entries.

2. Ticket Tabs

The top of the ticket page displays a tab panel with all tickets that are currently open. Clicking any of these tabs will bring the corresponding ticket to the foreground. Each of these tabs displays the title, priority, ticket number, and a running timer. You can preview a ticket by hovering over the ticket tab and also rearrange the order of the tabs if desired. To close a tab, click the x icon on the tab.


You can start and stop the timer directly from the ticket tab. The timer starts counting from zero once you open a ticket. If you have a ticket open in multiple browser tabs, each timer starts from zero and can be committed. Note that navigating away from the ticket or closing it will discard any uncommitted time.

  • Ticket tab can be opened in the background without being navigated off the Ticket list view.
  • Hold onto CTRL/CMD key and click the ticket number.

3. Side Panel

The ticketing side panel is where you can quickly browse details regarding Custom Fields, RMM Integration data, Ticket Contacts and history, Affected Assets, Attachments, and Duplicate Alarms on the ticket. Inline editing using Auto complete is supported in this panel and data can be updated within the ticket.

A scroll bar to separate the content from the properties of a ticket is added. Ticket details and Side panel have individual scroll bars. 

  • Details - View Status, Priority, Queue, Created by, Assignee, Secondary Assignee, CCs, Total Time Spent, Total Expense, SLA, SLA Status, Open Date, Due Date, Source, Type, Issue Type, Sub-Issue Type, Service Contract, and Work Type. SLA Status is now available for a ticket. The hyperlink displays details of the SLA in a pop-up. Chat is one of the ticket source options. 



    • You can change statuses and edit notes at the same time. 
  • Contact Custom Fields
    • Contact Custom fields are displayed in the ticket details panel.


    • Values in the panel are read-only.
    • Display order set in Admin > My Company > Custom Fields will be considered.
    • The first three items will be displayed, and a show more/less toggle can be used to collapse or expand the list.
  • Select Complete field
    • When clicking on

      • Any editable field on the side panel, data in the field will be completely selected. Any typed text will replace the field selected

      • Any field with a drop-down list will directly open.

  • RMM Integration - This section will only appear if there is an active RMM integration (VSA or Continuum).
    • If a Kaseya PSA / VSA integration is enabled, the ticket displays the ticket number as read-only.
    • If a Kaseya PSA / Continuum integration is enabled, both the Ticket Owner field and the ticket number are displayed in read-only mode.
  • Attachments - Drag and drop your selected file into the dotted line field to upload the attachment.
    • Drag and drop multiple files at once under Attachments. When attachments from a ticket are downloaded, the original filenames are shown. Shows the top 5 files in the side panel.



  • Contact Addresses
    • The address field is displayed on the contacts side panel of a ticket.
    • Addresses will display a hyperlink and will open in Google Maps.
    • CRM > Account > Location > Address details need to be filled for this to populate.
  • Survey History

    With an active survey integration, users should be able to see a collapsible panel that contains the latest survey score for a ticket. This section is available only for those users who have enabled Customer Thermometer integration.

Ticket Data

  • Activities - This is an up-to-date log of all notes and activities related to the ticket. This section will also show updates to any of the ticket’s details. You can filter the activity log by one or more types of activities or search through the log’s content. The filter option Show only internal is the first filter option that you will find and will show only internal ticket activities once you select it.

  • Tab Indicators: Indicators are available to identify additional items embedded across tabs in a ticket.

    To add a new note, click the note icon next to the time icon. (See above image with highlighted areas.)


    • In the Note Details tab, select a template macro, select a date (today’s date is the default), type, status, and enter your comments. Click the Internal Note toggle switch to ON if you want your comments to remain private. A set of special features are available in the security role so that an MSP can edit their own note and another user's note if they have permission to do so. Under Special Features, Prevent user from editing own ticket notes checkbox and Prevent user from editing other user’s ticket notes are available. By default, these are set to false. This will remain so until you change this setting. This is added under Admin > Security > Roles > Service Desk > Special Features.


  • Adding Time: To add time, click the time icon next to the note icon.
    • By default, you will be in Time Details tab. Select a template from From Template dropdown.
    • Select Start Date, Start Time, and End Time. Time Spent is automatically calculated by your input values.
    • Select Role, Work Type and Status. The logged in user's name will automatically reflect in Time Spent By dropdown.
    • Add your notes under Notes and Internal Notes.
    • In the Notifications tab, select Contact, Resource and Email Template. Enter other email IDs separately under Other Emails.
    • In the Custom Fields tab, enter appropriate values.
    • Click Save.
  • Purchase Order: The ability to create an Order from the Ticket for the selected charge is available.
    • Go to Tickets.
    • Open the relevant ticket.
    • Go to Expenses and Charges tab.
    • Underneath the New button, click the cart icon. The Purchase Order popup opens.
  • Other tabs like Expenses & Charges and Service Calls & To-Dos function the same way as in Legacy View.
    • The ability to deliver a charge from the Ticket is available. 
    • The Serial Number field is now exposed to the UI.

Ticket Actions 

Refresh, Assign, Merge, Absorb, Print, Audit Log, and Delete are the actions that can be performed on the ticket. Technicians with access only to their tickets via queues now cannot see other tickets when choosing Merge/Absorb functions.


  • Refresh - Individual ticket tabs can be refreshed using the Refresh button.
  • Audit Log - Show all the activities performed on a ticket. Audit Log consists of two tabs Ticket logs and Workflows logs. Agent procedure logs are added to Ticket > Audit Log. When technicians edit notes and time entries added to tickets, they are shown in the audit log.
  • Assign - Assign button enables you to perform multiple actions at one on a ticket.
    • You can assign to a tech, change the queue, add a note update a status etc. all in one go.  


  • Keyboard Shortcuts:Assign to me shortcut with the sort order showing the currently logged-in user on the top is added. Sometimes, the Assign to me option may not be visible. If you type in the dropdown and clear the text, the Assign to me option will not show. To make it visible, close the dropdown and click the down arrow. It will show. 

Related Items

  • Suggested Docs

    • For better visibility, IT Glue suggested docs and password dropdown are now placed above the ticket title.
    • IT Glue can automatically suggest documents and passwords related to your tickets. Refer to this IT Glue guide to learn more about suggested IT Glue documentation.

    • Open a ticket and navigate to the Related Items tab.
    • The Suggested Docs link is available only in the New view and with an active IT Glue integration.
    • In the Suggested Docs link, all the documentation and passwords based on the IT Glue rules will be displayed.
    • A Copy and a Shield icon is displayed for Related items > Passwords
    • Deeplinks for a document or a password will redirect you to the IT Glue page and open the linked-related document in a new tab.
  • Tickets:
    • The tickets tab links other tickets with the current ticket. Click on the New button to create a link.
    • Clicking a related ticket opens the related ticket in a new tab, enabling you to work on both tickets in tandem. When you add a related link, links are created in both tickets.
  • Project tasks
    • Tickets from the Service Desk module and Tasks from the Projects module can be linked to each other to provide a seamless intersection between Tickets and Tasks. Find the detailed guide Linking tickets and tasks .


Affected Hardware

The Affected Hardware gives you information about hardware that are affected by this ticket. You can add hardware that are affected by the ticket by clicking the Add Asset button under this tab.

Timeline of a Ticket

All activities on a ticket will be displayed in the timeline with the ability to filter on the activity type. Virtual scrolling is enabled here so that the historical data is all available as and when you scroll down the timeline view. 


Adding a New ticket 

  • Use the New ticket or the Plus mark icon to create a new ticket. This will open a new tab alongside your open tabs. 
  • After clicking on save the ticket will change to view mode in the tabs.
  • Save, Cancel, and Time functions stick to the page of the ticket header when creating a new or working on existing tickets.



    • New Service Desk is available on My Tickets and Service Desk tickets pages. 
    • My Profile > Preferences > Default Tickets listing Click Behavior: This option is not applicable on New Service Desk View. 
    • For multi-tenant environments, New Service Desk is only supported on Child tenants, not on the Parent tenant. 
    • The following features are not supported in the New Service Desk. These features will be available in the upcoming sprints. 
      • Ordering and Delivering charges/expenses, Filter funnel, Continuum, Cytracom integrations, Survey history are part of our future releases.
      • Release notes will be updated when these items are added to the New Service Desk.
    • Reach out to support for any questions in relation to this new release.
      • Choose the product to be BMS > New Service Desk when creating a new ticket for this feature. 
    • IT Glue panel is not available on the New Service Desk. 

Demo: New Service Desk

BMS - New Service Desk from Kaseya , Inc. on Vimeo.

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