BMS-QuickBooks Desktop integration, configuration and how to use


This guide takes you through the process of BMS-QuickBooks desktop integration, step by step.

QuickBooks Versions Currently Supported

Quickbooks Desktop version 2022, QB SDK 15 is officially supported. Navigate to Home > Downloads > Quickbooks > Download to download the latest file. The following versions of QuickBooks are currently supported:

IMPORTANT  We now support v2023. 

    • 2023
    • 2022
    • 2021
    • 2020
    • 2019
    • 2018
    • 2017
    • 2016
    • 2015
    • 2014
    • 2013
    • 2012
    • 2011

Countries Supported

BMS QuickBooks desktop integration is supported in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • India
  • UK
  • US

Connecting to QuickBooks

IMPORTANT  We are deprecating legacy QuickBooks connector in BMS. Therefore, all users must download and use the connector that was released in Feb 2020. You can find this download link under BMS > Home > Downloads > QuickBooks tile. To use the new connector, uninstall the old one and download and install the new connector from the above page.

To connect BMS to QuickBooks Desktop, you should have the QuickBooks Desktop Connector application. For a successful connection, the QuickBooks Desktop application must be started as Admin in single user mode. However, you can switch to multi-user mode after setup. Filter by Class is present for invoices on the QuickBooks Desktop connector.

If the QuickBooks Connector application was not started, it will prompt a warning.


Once the application is connected, your will see the name of the QuickBooks Company which you are connected to on the top of the QuickBooks Desktop connector application.


To approve the connection from a third-party application select “Yes, always, allow access even if the QuickBooks is not running”, then click Continue.


Connecting to BMS

Next step is to connect the QuickBooks Desktop Connector application with your BMS account.

  1. Navigate to the Options > Authentication tab.

  2. Click the Connect button and provide the necessary information to connect.
    • Select the target BMS server


    • Specify the company you want to connect to.
    • Provide Username and Password.
  3. Once the connection is established, you will be able to see the connection status.


Setting up Default Options

For a successful synchronization between BMS and the QuickBooks Desktop application, it is recommended to setup some default options for the QuickBooks Desktop Connector application.

  1. Navigate to Options > Default tab.
  2. Setup necessary default options. The default options include the following:
    • Default Sales Income and Expense Account:
      • Applies to all items except Inventory Items;
      • The sync will use these defaults when the items being sent from BMS to QuickBooks Desktop application while exporting an invoice for example does not have an associated Income/Expense account.
    • Default Inventory Income Expense Account:
      • Applies to Inventory Items only.
    • Invoice Due Date:
      • This option provides the ability to dynamically set the due date when exporting invoices from BMS. Example of options: “7 Days from the invoice date”, “20th of the invoice month”, “Invoice generated date”.
    • Default Tax Codes:
      • Taxable and Non-Taxable codes.


Synchronizing Items from QuickBooks to BMS

The QuickBooks Desktop Connector application provides the ability to load and export the following items to your BMS account:

  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Items
  • Classes
  • Chart of Accounts


Synchronizing Items from QuickBooks to BMS Account

  1. Select the item you want to synchronize;
  2. Click the Import button. A popup window will open.
  3. Select records from a grid.
  4. Select the target from the Import As dropdown.
  5. Click the Import button. The processing results of selected items starts.


Example of loading 'Chart of accounts' from the QuickBooks Desktop application and exporting it to BMS account.




Exporting Invoices from BMS to QuickBooks Desktop

The QuickBooks Desktop Connector application provides the ability to load invoices from BMS which have Ready to Send or Sent status and has not been exported to QuickBooks Desktop yet.

NOTE   When you create an invoice for the first time for an account, it creates that account in QuickBooks when you transfer that invoice to QuickBooks.

The following options are provided:

  • Load All Invoices
  • Or Load Invoices based on a filter


Sending Invoices from BMS to QuickBooks Desktop

  1. Select the All Invoiced or Filter Invoices option.
  2. Click the Load button for the invoices to be loaded.
  3. Select the invoices you want to be exported.
  4. Click the Process button.

    • The processing results of selected invoices starts.

    • Once the process is completed, you can filter and group the result to see the details and errors.



Data Mapping

Account Code

QuickBooks Entity: List > Chart of Account

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Account Code Number
Account Name Account Name
Description Description
Account Type Account Type
Parent Account Sub account of


QuickBooks Entity: Lists > Item List > Non-inventory Part

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Product Name  Item Name/Number
Product Description Description of Sales Transactions
Expense Account  Expense Account 
Income Account Income Account
Requires Procurement (Yes/No) Non-inventory
SKU/Unique ID Manufacturer's Part Number

Work Type

QuickBooks Entity: Lists > Item List > Service

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Work Type Name  Item Name/Number
Description Description
Income Account Account
Taxable Tax Code


QuickBooks Entity: Lists > Item List > Service

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Service Name Item Name/Number
Unit Price Sales Price/Rate
Description Description
Income Account Account
Taxable Tax Code

Expense Type

QuickBooks Entity: Lists > Item List > Service

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Name Item Name/Number
Description Description
Income Account Income Account
Taxable Tax Code

Discount Type

QuickBooks Entity: Lists> Item List> Discount

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Name Item Name/Number
Description Description
Income Account Account
Taxable Tax Code
Discount Type Amount or %
Value Amount or %

Tax Group

QuickBooks Entity: Lists > Item List > Sales Tax Group

BMS Field QuickBooks Field Notes
Name Group Name/Number
Tax Rate Tax Item
Description Description
Group Rate Group Rate
Related Tax Items Sub Tax Items Refer to Data Mapping

Tax Item

QuickBooks Entity: Lists > Item List > Sales Tax Item

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Name Sales Tax Name
Tax Rate Tax Rate (%)
Description Description
Tax Agency Tax Agency (vendor that you collect for)


QuickBooks Entity: Customer/Vendor

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Account Customer/Vendor Name
Address Line 1 Address
Address Line 2 Address
City City
State State/Province
Post Code Zip/Post Code
Country Country/Region
Phone Number Main Phone
Fax Number Fax
Email Address (Billing Address Info) Main Email


QuickBooks Entity: Invoice

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Account Customer: JOB
Invoice Date Date
Due Date Due Date
Tax Item Sales Tax
Total Price Total
Grand Total Balance Due
Address Line 1 Billing Address
Address Line 2
Post Code
Note Memo

Invoice Item

QuickBooks Entity: Invoice Item

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Item Name ITEM
Description Description
Quantity QTY
Unit Price Rate
Total Price Amount
Taxable Tax 
Class Class


QuickBooks Entity: CustomerPayment

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Account Received From
Payment Date Date
Reference # Reference #
Payment Type PMT. method
Memo Memo
Invoice Number Number
Invoice Date Date
Amount AMT. Due

Vendor Bill

QuickBooks Entity: Bill

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Vendor Vendor
Created on Date
Due Date Bill Date
Reference # Ref. No.
Amount Amount Due
Memo Memo


QuickBooks Entity: Bill

BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Employee Vendor
Created on Date
Due Date Bill Date
Reference # Ref. No.
Amount Amount Due
Memo Memo